The 5th International Conference on Bio-Energy and Environmentally Agricultural Technologies (ICoN-BEAT) is held by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This conference serves as a springboard for information exchange between academics at UMM, mainly agricultural and animal science, with academics in Indonesia and overseas. Hopefully, in the future, this conference could serve as a model for attracting the best scholars in their respective fields to present their work.

The 5th ICoN-BEAT is one of the network’s endeavours toward this goal. The previous conference in 2022 and 2021 was held online at the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science UMM during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the first joint conference took place in 2019 at GKB IV, UMM. The current international joint meeting is being held in UMM and will feature a hybrid presenting style.




“The Future We Want” in Sustainable Development (UN Conference 2012) was the main idea of the development agenda that was agreed at the UN General Assembly in September 2015, including Indonesia. The Agenda arranged the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030. The SDGs have 17 goals and grouping under the pillars of social, economic, environmental, legal, and governance development. Food, energy, and agriculture are the main focus areas for the SDGs. Therefore, the development of knowledge, applications, and technology aspects in SDGs focus (food, energy, and agriculture) needs to be updated and discussed in scientific forums. (ICoN-BEAT) will be a pivotal and beneficial gathering for scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners to network and discuss the current issues. There will be a series of presentations and discussions in plenary, concurrent, and poster sessions, as well as a poster session. ICoN-BEAT is committed to presenting high-quality research provided by renowned Keynote Speakers and invited international speakers.



Aim, Theme, and Scope


The theme of the 5th ICoN-BEAT conference is “Development of Food, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Agriculture to suport SDG's.” It could be interpreted as a social, economic, and environmental development to create sustainable agriculture. Therefore, to achieve synergy, it is necessary to include other disciplines, such as agriculture, animal science, fishery, Food science, food technology, forestry, and bio-energy


The international conference ICoN-BEAT 2024 aims to provide a scientific forum and discussion for the recent research in the agriculture area. Participants at this conference will have the opportunity to share and discuss the most recent findings in the areas of agriculture, animal science, fisheries, food, and forestry, as well as

bioenergy and biofuels